
In the world of business, building a powerful team is a vital ingredient for success. JD Mattera emphasizes the importance of having a dedicated group of individuals who are committed to driving your business forward. These power teams provide structure, support, resources, and motivation, enabling every member to understand their roles and responsibilities. By assembling the right people, businesses can achieve remarkable success.

Structure, Support, Resources, and Motivation

Power teams serve as the backbone of a business, offering a range of benefits that contribute to its overall success. JD Mattera highlights four key elements provided by power teams:

Structure: Power teams establish clear lines of responsibility, ensuring that everyone understands their roles and tasks. With well-defined structures, team members can collaborate more effectively, avoiding confusion or duplication of efforts.

Support: Power teams act as valuable sounding boards, allowing for the exchange of ideas and providing timely feedback. This support fosters an environment of innovation, where team members can freely share their thoughts and concerns, leading to improved decision-making and problem-solving.

Resources: Beyond their expertise, power teams provide access to various resources. These resources may include industry insights, best practices, capital investments, or even physical assets such as office spaces. Such resources can be instrumental in propelling business growth and overcoming challenges.

Motivation: Power teams serve as a source of motivation and inspiration. Working together towards common goals, team members can encourage and push one another to achieve greater heights. This shared purpose and camaraderie foster a positive work culture, where individuals are motivated to give their best efforts.

Attracting, Retaining, and Developing Talent

A crucial aspect of building a power team is the ability to attract, retain, and develop talent. By assembling a group of individuals with diverse skills and perspectives, businesses can tap into a wealth of knowledge and experience. To create an effective power team, consider the following:

Complementary Skills: Seek individuals with skills that complement each other, creating a well-rounded team that can tackle various aspects of the business. This diversity of skills ensures comprehensive coverage and the ability to address complex challenges.

Different Perspectives: Encourage team members to bring their unique perspectives to the table. Embracing diverse viewpoints promotes creative problem-solving, prevents groupthink, and fosters a culture of continuous improvement.

Collaboration and Respect: Foster an environment where collaboration is valued and individuals feel safe to challenge ideas constructively. A healthy balance of constructive critique and respect for one another’s contributions enhances team dynamics and fosters mutual growth.


Building a powerful team is a critical factor in achieving business success. Power teams provide structure, support, resources, and motivation, enabling businesses to thrive. By attracting, retaining, and developing talent, businesses can create a dynamic environment where individuals are empowered to contribute their best. JD Mattera emphasizes that a strong team not only propels a business forward but also establishes a culture of collaboration, innovation, and continuous improvement. Through the power of teamwork, businesses can unlock their full potential and achieve remarkable outcomes.